Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Fear

They say that when you've got The Fear, you get things done. A fire is lit under your bum, and off you go like a rocket, trying your damned-est to achieve whatever it is you have set your sights on without falling into the proverbial Oblivion of Failure. I have been wallowing in the mud on the edge of the Oblivion of Failure recently, for no other reason than to play chicken with my inner... selves.

Well now I have The Fear. That archetypal Fire has been lit, and I am off and running. I have been scared for so long... scared of what? Well, just plain old scared, scared to put myself out there and go back to school, play music with my heart on my sleeve, scared of doing things the way I used to rock 'em. I am going to enter the Spring semester at the University and finally be on my way to a Bachelor of Animal Sciences with an Emphasis in Equine Science and Management. Ain't that a mouthful?!

AND (although we have been taught to NEVER start a sentence with and, I will break the rules today because I can) AND, I now promise and do solemnly swear to dandle my guitar on my knee and sing it to sleep every night for at least an hour.

Yeah, I'm getting back in the game and now I've got The Fear.

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